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Bespoke platform with advanced warehouse automations for our client Treehouse

Treehouse is a Dutch e-commerce company with around 35 employees, which has been shipping their products all over the world for over 20 years. We built a tailor-made back-office platform for them, with full A to Z follow-up of their orders, customers and shipments. We also implemented extensive warehouse automation, including automatic printer control from the software, integrations with various shipping tools of major carriers such as DHL, FedEx, and many more ... Tools used: - Podio (back office) - MAKE (API links with WooCommerce, among others) - PrintNode (cloud software for Printer Control)


Quivvy Solutions helpt bedrijven van elke omvang slimmer, beter, sneller & efficiënter te werken, door geïntegreerde softwareoplossingen te ontwikkelen voor kleine tot middelgrote bedrijven, met een minimum aan tools en een minimum aan code.

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